The Strategy of Grain Traders in Rice Cultivation from a Sharia Economic Perspective

Case Study in Jangkar District, Situbondo Regency


  • Ahmad Afif UIN KHAS Jember
  • Zainur Rafik


Economic, Trader Strategy, Finance Capital System


Seedling System is the practice of buying and selling chili peppers between farmers and traders, which was previously preceded by the provision of chilli seeds from traders to         farmers free of charge, giving these seeds by the trader as a strategy so that farmers, especially those who lack capital, can keep farming planting chilies and becoming a permanent supplier of chili to the trader. This study uses qualitative research with a case study approach. The results of the study showed that giving seedlings from traders to farmers including the bi syartin grant agreement, Ulama 'differed in their legal status, according to the Hanafi, Maliki, Hambali and Syafi'i schools (in qoul adharnya) saying the law was valid, while according to some Syafi’I schools (the opposite of qoul adhar) and some of the Hambali schools say that it is invalid, on the grounds that the grant agreement is a Tabarru contract' which is very contrary to compensation.




How to Cite

Afif, A., & Rafik, Z. (2022). The Strategy of Grain Traders in Rice Cultivation from a Sharia Economic Perspective: Case Study in Jangkar District, Situbondo Regency. LANGGAR: Journal of Social, Humanities, and Islamic Study, 1(1), 1–19. Retrieved from


